Friday, March 5, 2010

The First Breakfast

I have a plate with the following printed on it and I think it is so neat that I must share.

The First Breakfast

The Last Supper
had begun a time of fasting.
The Bread of Life would be broken,
The Living Water would be poured out.
Still fresh were the memories of meals shared together.
Echoing in the hills with five thousand-
Tender in the quiet home of Lazarus.
He had feasted amidst the skeptics
Astounding the wine stewards - amazing Zacchaeus.
For three days now, memories were all they had.
His chalice lay empty - Their souls grew starved.

Yet in the early light one day, on the sand beside the sea,
A fire burned and a voice called.
He had returned to fill their cup
and fuel their hearts -
He had returned to
Break the Fast.

"Jesus said to them, 'Come and have breakfast."
-John 21: 1-12 NIV


Tammie said...

that is so beautiful!

DotsOnSistersDesigns said...

Hi, your post came up in a google search. My friend found the plate you describe here in a gift shop when she was out of town over the weekend but it wasn't for sale. She took a picture in hopes of buying one online and we can't find it anywhere. Would you mind sharing the manufacture information on the back of the plate and possibly where you got it. thanks so much. Her 65th birthday is in a few weeks so I am trying to track it down to surprise her.
