Monday, May 3, 2010

Hodge Podge

There's too many pictures, too much fun to keep up with around here lately! And I haven't been very good at updating the blog so now I'm a little behind. I'm just going to post a bunch of pictures and write captions. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words anyway, right?

May 2nd: The princess and the doctor.
At Great-grandpa John's 75th birthday. Madeline and Kaleb get ready to blow out the candles.

May 1st: My new double stroller.Come on mom, let's go! It didn't matter to them that they still had PJ's on.

Double the fun at the May Day Festival downtown Dillon. It was chilly but having the stroller for both boys was a life saver. They could both get under the blankies!

April 30th: On the job site with daddy - in his snowsuit

April 27th: Trying to get a good picture to send out with Mother's Day cards. It was not happening this day.

April 21st: THE CURL. It happened on accident one day after bath. It's so cute I can't help but put the curl in his hair everyday.

April 18th: Fishing at the Kid's Pond. The bobber went under and Kaleb starting reeling. I'm sure the adrenaline was running through his veins. He was so excited.

But once it got to shore and started flipping around, excitement turned to hesitancy and he wasn't so sure he wanted that fish after all - as you can see by his body language.
Jaxon loved being out and about at the fishing pond too. After the traumatic fish experience the poles were retired and we threw rocks in for hours (probably not that long but Kaleb could have done it for hours.) We let Jaxon sit on the rocky shore and he too was fascinated with the rocks, which then went directly to the mouth.


Tammie said...

oh, i loved all the photos. what a precious family!

Christina said...

You guys are up to so much fun stuff! I love the Mother's Day photo attempt. It made me laugh out loud...because I get the same kind of treatment around here.

Oh, and I loooooove that photo of Jaxon with his curl. He's so squeezable.
