Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's All Good

It feels good to be back to normal. Well, almost. Weirdly, Eric and I both have sinus infections and are taking antibiotics. Praise God our boys are all healthy now! And I think we are well on our way, or we can only hope. Yesterday we ventured out, in public, to have lunch at Subway. That felt good. Today, we ventured outdoors for a little fresh air and some swing set time. That felt even better, especially with the temp at 54 degrees. NICE! Kaleb loves swinging and thinks he knows how to pump. He keeps reminding me when he's on the swing that he is pumping, but that is not the case, of course.
It's very precious to listen to him get so excited about things he thinks he's achieving but actually isn't. Take for instance a couple months ago when he was still having "accidents" in his pants. In his mind he really believed he was pooping in the potty and kept telling me about it. I would look at him and correct him by saying, no, you are not pooping in the potty, wished you were, but you aren't buddy. Almost daily when I say it's time for a nap, he looks at me in bewilderment and says "I already took a nap." I think in this case he is thinking about the nap he took yesterday. They really get passionate (or throw a fit) about something and firmly believe it until they almost have you convinced it's true. By the way, the potty issue has been resolved and we are 3 weeks of going #2 in the potty with zero accidents. Suddenly, it just clicked for him and I have never been happier!

Today Jaxon figured out how to spit food out of his mouth in a motor-mouth sort of way. Baby food has really not been a big deal for him. He could care less if he has it, which is very different than Kaleb. Kaleb wanted food and ate anything I put in his mouth from 6 months on. I know it will probably take a little time for him to warm up to this new thing we call solids, but for now, he's just perfectly content with mommy's milk. And for some reason, I really don't care either. I'm finding I'm not as big of a cheerleader for Jaxon and I'm pretty sure I know why. I simply don't want my baby to grow up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So great to be in touch with you. We have thought of you all many times over the years. We were so excited to hear that you have been blessed with two. They are so cute! Love their names. Going from one to two is a real hard transition, but they are going to be playing together in no time and I can't even tell you how much joy you will get from watching their interactions. And how much PEACE and sanity! Hang in there girl...middle of sick season too...we are ready to pack up and move to a deserted island until summer!!!

Have a blessed week!!!!
